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Welcome from the Principal

Michelle Griffin

Welcome to Kilcoe National School’s website!

I am extremely proud to be the Principal of Kilcoe N.S.  It is such a warm, welcoming and friendly school. We have an amazing group of students and we are extremely proud of their outstanding achievements. We encourage every child to take pride in their work and value their achievements. Our aim is to create a happy and secure atmosphere where your child will always be encouraged to do their personal best. At Kilcoe N.S. we believe in creating a happy environment where each child’s unique character and abilities are recognised, developed and celebrated. We aim to include all children, extending the able and providing support for those with a range of learning needs.


We are lucky to have supportive parents who are engaged in their children’s learning. We value the partnership between home and school, and we are hopeful that this website will help its readers learn more about the school.  


We are fortunate to have such a close community around us in Kilcoe and are proud of our links with the local and wider community. We regularly have members of the community in to educate and speak to the children. Grandparents and relations are welcome visitors and give the children great support throughout the year. 


I thank the teachers who put so much work and effort into all that they do. Their commitment and dedication to teaching and learning is evident in every aspect of the work of this school. It is because of the teamwork of all the staff; teaching, non-teaching and the Board of Management that we have the school that we have.

Mission Statement

Kilcoe National School is a co-educational, Catholic, primary school which strives to provide a well-ordered, caring, happy and secure atmosphere where the intellectual, spiritual, physical, moral and cultural needs of the pupils are identified and addressed. 


While Kilcoe N.S is a school with a Catholic ethos, it also has due recognition for all other religions. 

We will strive to promote, both individually and collectively, the professional and personal developments of teachers through staff development programmes. 

Kilcoe N.S will encourage the involvement of parents through home/school contacts and through their involvement with Kilcoe N.S Parents Association. 


We will endeavour to enhance the self-esteem of everyone in the school community, to imbue in the pupils respect for people and property and to encourage in them the idea of being responsible. 


Kilcoe N.S will promote gender equality amongst the teachers and pupils.

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